Reading Fusion 1

Author Andrew E. Bennett
Category Reading
Level Advanced
TOEIC Level 500~600
ISBN 9784523176640
Book Size・Number of Pages 128 pages
Price 2,640 yen (incl. tax)
Number of Units 15
Materials Downloadable Audio Files/CD/Video Streaming
Teacher’s Materials ●Teacher's Manual(including Japanese translation) ●Teacher's Audio CD ●Teacher's CD-ROM【Listening Script(Word)/Reading Passage Data(Word)/Write about it(Word/PDF)/Mid-Term and Final Tests(Word/PDF)/ Vocabulary Quizzes(Small tests for each unit) (Word)】 〈Others〉 Teacher's Manual Data(PDF),Text Data (Word)

Created specifically for students who have reached a fairly high level of English proficiencyReading Fusion is a carefully graded, two-book series that reinforces and sharpens all the necessary language skills. The 30 essays (500 words long in Book 1, 600 in Book 2) deal with a broad range of compelling themes and important issues in politics and government, neuroscience and psychology, music and art, crime and punishment, and many other areas of current interest. Reading Fusion: for students who expect to be challenged by their English lessons, and rewarded for it.


Key Features and Functions

*Unit topics thoughtfully selected to inform, stimulate, and enlighten include: The Search for Other Worlds, White-Collar Crime," “Breaking the Poverty Cycle," “The Science of Love," “Art Therapy," and 25 others

*Comprehension questions encourage intensive textual analysis and efficiently check students' understanding of important details, vocabulary in context, and main ideas

*Vocabulary-Building activities come in three innovative types that ensure maximum retention and expanded active-vocabulary utility

*Word Parts (suffixes and prefixes) and Grammar (usage and sentence patterns) sections strengthen understanding and enhance appreciation of the English language

*Listening activities (short talks and short conversations), modeled on international tests of English, boost listening comprehension skill

1 Music and the Mind The Arts
2 Body Language across Cultures Culture
3 Turning Waste into Wealth The Environment
4 The Search for Other Worlds Space
5 Crowdsourcing The Internet
6 Urban Landmarks Architecture and Identity
7 Food Safety Health
8 Spending a Fortune Entertainment
9 Wonders of the Deep Nature
10 Product Placement Business
11 White-collar Crime Law and Crime
12 Working Disabled Social Issues
13 Pet Therapy Healing
14 Quantum Computers Science and Technology
15 Breaking the Poverty Cycle

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