Outlook on Science and Technology 構造で読む自然科学エッセイ
―Skills for Better Reading Ⅲ
著者 | 石谷 由美子 著 Suzanne Embury 著 |
ジャンル |
リーディング リーディング・スキル教材 科学/技術 |
レベル |
中級 |
TOEICレベル |
400~500点 500~600点 ![]() |
出版年月日 | 2007/04/01 |
ISBN | 9784523175353 |
判型・ページ数 | B5・72ページ |
定価 | 1,870円(本体1,700円+税) |
ユニット数 | 14 |
付属物 | 音声ダウンロード/CD付き |
教員用付属物 | ●教授用資料(試訳付き) 他、教授用資料データ(Word/PDF)、テキストデータ Readingのみ(Word) |
在庫 | 在庫あり |
続刊を望む多くの声に応えた、Skills for Better Readingシリーズの第 3弾!テーマは科学が中心ですが、社会問題や社会的背景とも結びついた科学エッセイを集めました。自然科学の「論理性」と文体を読み解く訓練に最適のテキストです。画一的でなくバラエティに富む問題形式を取り入れました。
1. Reasons/Conclusions
Reading 1 More scientists should be given managerial positions
Reading 2 Will there ever be a “paperless society”?
2. Analysis (Social Phenomena)
Reading 1 Text Messages
Reading 2 Why was religion born?
3. Analysis (Evidence)
Reading 1 Dust Clouds
Reading 2 Why don’t more girls take up science?
4. Controversy
Reading 1 GM Foods
Reading 2 Boy or girl? Choosing your baby’s sex
5. Comparison/Contrast
Reading 1 Global Dimming
Reading 2 What makes us feel pleasure?
6. Classification
Reading 1 Branches of Biotechnology
Reading 2 The Digital Divide
7. Chronological order (History)
Reading 1 Browser Wars
Reading 2 The Fight against Malaria
8. Cause & Effect
Reading 1 Warning for Science Education in Britain
Reading 2 Out of the wild and into the backyard
9. Process Analysis
Reading 1 How does the brain read sarcasm?
Reading 2 Thought Control
10. Explanation (Theory)
Reading 1 Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Reading 2 REM Sleep
11. Definition
Reading 1 Otaku
Reading 2 Minus Ions
12. Explanation (Experiment)
Reading 1 Panicked Mice
Reading 2 Game on the Brain
13. Graph Analysis
Reading 1 DHA and Health
Reading 2 Europe's Greenhouse Gas Emissions
14. New Business
Reading 1 Computer Game Sweatshops
Reading 2 But Is It Meat?
Reading 1 More scientists should be given managerial positions
Reading 2 Will there ever be a “paperless society”?
2. Analysis (Social Phenomena)
Reading 1 Text Messages
Reading 2 Why was religion born?
3. Analysis (Evidence)
Reading 1 Dust Clouds
Reading 2 Why don’t more girls take up science?
4. Controversy
Reading 1 GM Foods
Reading 2 Boy or girl? Choosing your baby’s sex
5. Comparison/Contrast
Reading 1 Global Dimming
Reading 2 What makes us feel pleasure?
6. Classification
Reading 1 Branches of Biotechnology
Reading 2 The Digital Divide
7. Chronological order (History)
Reading 1 Browser Wars
Reading 2 The Fight against Malaria
8. Cause & Effect
Reading 1 Warning for Science Education in Britain
Reading 2 Out of the wild and into the backyard
9. Process Analysis
Reading 1 How does the brain read sarcasm?
Reading 2 Thought Control
10. Explanation (Theory)
Reading 1 Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Reading 2 REM Sleep
11. Definition
Reading 1 Otaku
Reading 2 Minus Ions
12. Explanation (Experiment)
Reading 1 Panicked Mice
Reading 2 Game on the Brain
13. Graph Analysis
Reading 1 DHA and Health
Reading 2 Europe's Greenhouse Gas Emissions
14. New Business
Reading 1 Computer Game Sweatshops
Reading 2 But Is It Meat?