Cultural Issues⇄Environmental Issues

Author Gregory Goodmacher
Asako Kajiura
Category Reading
Level Intermediate
TOEIC Level 400~500
Release Date 2016/04/01
ISBN 9784523178156
Book Size・Number of Pages B5・96 pages
Price 2,310 yen (incl. tax)
Number of Units 15
Materials Downloadable Audio Files/CD
Teacher’s Materials ●Teacher's Manual(including Japanese translation) ●Teacher's Audio CD 〈Others〉 Teacher's Manual Data(Word /PDF),Text Data (Word)

Nature and culture affect each other in countless ways. Cultural Issues⇄Environmental Issues encourages students to look more deeply at how this delicate balance works―and at how human activity is threatening to destroy it. Written in precise, accessible English, each unit’s reading examines the cultural roots of an environmental problem while fully acknowledging that there is still hope. The text’s primary focus is on the lifestyle changes and decisions we as individuals must make to ensure our―and nature’s―survival. Cultural Issues⇄Environmental Issues is a primer for true world citizenship, turning the English classroom into an opportunity for greater cultural understanding, increased environmental awareness, and heightened sensitivity to the conditions of other peoples.

Key Features and Functions:

*15 information- and ideas-packed units focusing on topics of urgent current relevance?Cultural Views of Animal Rights, Culture and Energy Conservation, Culture and Food, Fashion Culture and the Environment, Culture and Population, and many more.

*Pre-reading discussion questions and vocabulary-building activity prepare students for reading and speaking fluency while post-reading exercises enhance reading/listening comprehension, critical-thinking, and writing/public-speaking skills

*TOEIC- and TOEFL-friendly, helping students achieve higher test scores by building up their general knowledge and expanding their vocabulary

*Comprehensive bilingual TM with thorough instructions for use and recommendations for supplemental activities

Unit 1
Connecting Culture and Environmental Issues
Unit 2
Culture, Popular Pets, and Unwanted Animals
Unit 3
Cultural Beliefs: Life or Death to Endangered Animals
Unit 4
Culture and Energy Conservation
Unit 5
Fashion Culture and the Environment
Unit 6
Culture and Population Issues
Unit 7
Consuming Cultures and the Environment
Unit 8
Culture and Littering
Unit 9
Cultural Views of Animal Rights
Unit 10
Extinct Animals, Plants, and Cultures
Unit 11
Culture, Youth, and the Environment
Unit 12
Culture and Food
Unit 13
Culture, Religions, and Environmentalism
Unit 14
Our Homes and the Environment
Unit 15
Culture and Heat Islands

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