Quick-Step English 1

Author Andrew E. Bennett
Sachiyo Sugiyama
Hiroyo Sugimoto
Category Course Books
Level Beginner
TOEIC Level 300~400
Release Date 2012/04/01
ISBN 9784523176909
Book Size・Number of Pages B5・56 pages
Price 1,870 yen (incl. tax)
Number of Units 24
Materials Downloadable Audio Files/CD
Teacher’s Materials ●Teacher's Manual(including Japanese translation) 〈Others〉 Teacher's Manual Data(PDF),Text Data (Word),Listening Script Data(Word)

Easily adaptable to a wide variety of classroom needs and teaching styles, the Quick-Step English series covers all the essential language-learning areas in a handy five-step format. Each two-page lesson starts off with Step 1: Reading ; short, lively essays, made-to-order for rapid-reading practice, on topics ranging from fascinating figures in history to today’s most important social issues and scientific breakthroughs. Four quick follow-up steps develop and strengthen comprehension, vocabulary, structure, and listening skills. Quick-Step English 1: the ideal way to accelerate and intensify English learning.

Unit 1 The End of Newspapers?
Unit 2 The Hero of the Hudson
Unit 3 E-mail: Online Shopping
Unit 4 The Homeless Man with a Golden Voice - Part 1
Unit 5 The Homeless Man with a Golden Voice - Part 2
Unit 6 Exhibit Preview
Unit 7 Improving Memory
Unit 8 The Brownings: A Poetic Love Story
Unit 9 Invitation to a Party
Unit 10 The Prince of Poyais - Part 1
Unit 11 The Prince of Poyais - Part 2
Unit 12 Superheroes in the Real World
Unit 13 Thank You Note
Unit 14 Human-Powered Machines
Unit 15 Twitter
Unit 16 Twitter Feed
Unit 17 Okamoto Taro: The Artist among Us
Unit 18 Jazz Club Review
Unit 19 Survival on the Ice - Part 1
Unit 20 Survival on the Ice - Part 2
Unit 21 Wanted: Homestay Hosts
Unit 22 Garbage at Sea
Unit 23 Blog Post
Unit 24 Who was Cleopatra?

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