Quick-Step English 2

Author Andrew E. Bennett
Yoshinori Akiyama
Masashi Hidaka
Category Course Books
Level Beginner
TOEIC Level 400~500
Release Date 2012/04/01
ISBN 9784523176916
Book Size・Number of Pages B5・56 pages
Price 1,870 yen (incl. tax)
Number of Units 24
Materials Downloadable Audio Files/CD
Teacher’s Materials ●Teacher's Manual(including Japanese translation) 〈Others〉 Teacher's Manual Data(PDF),Text Data (Word),Listening Script Data(Word)

Easily adaptable to a wide variety of classroom needs and teaching styles, the Quick-Step English series covers all the essential language-learning areas in a handy five-step format. Each two-page lesson starts off with Step 1: Reading ; short, lively essays, made-to-order for rapid-reading practice, on topics ranging from fascinating figures in history to today’s most important social issues and scientific breakthroughs. Four quick follow-up steps develop and strengthen comprehension, vocabulary, structure, and listening skills. Quick-Step English 2: the ideal way to accelerate and intensify English learning.

Unit 1 The Music Industry
Unit 2 Cyber Crime
Unit 3 Frank Gehry
Unit 4 Mining Garbage for Gold
Unit 5 Elderly Pets
Unit 6 Robotic Body Language
Unit 7 Community Gardens
Unit 8 Iceland’s Energy Future
Unit 9 Banker to the Poor
Unit 10 Shipwrecks
Unit 11 Colonizing Mars
Unit 12 Sir David Murray: Disabled, but not Unable
Unit 13 Europe vs. GM Foods
Unit 14 The Global Workplace: The Case of Dubai
Unit 15 Star Trek: Inspiring the World's Scientists.
Unit 16 Chocolate: The Candy of Romance
Unit 17 The Peace Corps
Unit 18 Growing up Online
Unit 19 The Euro
Unit 20 The Science of Weightlifting
Unit 21 Somalia's Dangerous Waters
Unit 22 The Darwin Mission
Unit 23 The Homeless World Cup
Unit 24 Masdar: The City of the Future

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