Global Concepts

―English for International Understanding

Author Jim Knudsen
Tamotsu Tanaka
Tomoyuki Minusa
Category Reading
Level Intermediate
TOEIC Level 400~500
Release Date 2012/04/01
ISBN 9784523176886
Book Size・Number of Pages B5・104 pages
Price 2,090 yen (incl. tax)
Number of Units 16
Materials Downloadable Audio Files/CD
Teacher’s Materials ●Teacher's Manual(including Japanese translation) ●Teacher's Audio CD ●Teacher's CD-ROM【Review Test Data(Word)/Listening Script Data(PDF)/Text Data(Word)】】 〈Others〉 Teacher's Manual Data(PDF)

If you would like to help your students develop a greater understanding of the world today and its most pressing issues; if you want your classroom to be a forum for active, even passionate learning; if your aim is to build up your students’ English-language skills and confidence: then you can’t go wrong with Global Concepts. Featuring 16, six-page units, each built up around an information- and idea-packed essay on a topic of vital contemporary interest, Global Concepts is both a uniquely comprehensive ESL textbook and a valuable international-studies reference material.

Lesson 1 What the World Needs Now
Lesson 2 Young People Making a Difference
Lesson 3 The Horns of a Dilemma
Lesson 4 Of Nukes and Minefields
Lesson 5 The World’s Hottest Issue
Lesson 6 Smart Roads and Cars
Lesson 7 Languages Lost and Found
Lesson 8 It’s About Time
Lesson 9 Where Would We Be Without It?
Lesson 10 Virtually Better
Lesson 11 It’s Never Too Late
Lesson 12 Good Sports
Lesson 13 Global Concepts 1: People
Lesson 14 Global Concepts 2: Places
Lesson 15 Global Concepts 3: Trends
Lesson 16 Global Concepts 4: Hope

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