Thoughts and Feelings

―Reading and Writing for Self-Expression

Author Jim Knudsen
Ryuichi Okuda
Category Reading
Level Intermediate
Release Date 2010/04/01
ISBN 9784523176367
Book Size・Number of Pages B5・88 pages
Price 2,090 yen (incl. tax)
Number of Units 13
Materials Downloadable Audio Files/CD
Teacher’s Materials ●Teacher's Manual(including Japanese translation) 〈Others〉 Teacher's Manual Data(Word/PDF),Text Data'Reading Part' (Word)

Why are some people politically conservative and others liberals? Why do bad memories linger in the mind so vividly? What makes some people more vulnerable to interpersonal crimes than others? Thoughts and Feelings examines these and many other similar questions that psychology and neuroscience are slowly but surely finding answers for. Not a self-help book per se, Thoughts and Feelings nevertheless contains plenty of sound advice backed up by fascinating facts and figures for making life richer, safer, happier. If you are in need of a text that offers upper-intermediate and advanced students a chance to hone their English as well as their "people" skills, then Thoughts and Feelings is the way to go.

LESSON 1 Memory
LESSON 2 Happiness
LESSON 3 Intelligence
LESSON 4 Fear and Politics
LESSON 5 Multitasking
LESSON 6 Self-diagnosis
LESSON 8 Marriage
LESSON 9 Taste
LESSON 10 Crime
LESSON 11 Persuasion
LESSON 12 Resolution
LESSON 13 The Brain

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