What in the World

Author Jim Knudsen
Category Reading
Level Intermediate
TOEIC Level 400~500
Release Date 2018/04/01
ISBN 9784523178521
Book Size・Number of Pages B5・60 pages
Price 1,760 yen (incl. tax)
Number of Units 25
Materials Downloadable Audio Files/CD
Teacher’s Materials ●Teacher's Manual(including Japanese translation) ●Teacher's Audio CD 〈Others〉 Teacher's Manual Data(PDF),Text Data (Word),Text Data 'Reading Part'(Word)
What in the World is about the handiest textbook you’ll find anywhere. Each of its 25 lessons is short and to the point—a 300-word essay is followed by quick, accessible, effective reading-comprehension and vocabulary-building exercises as well as a combined writing-listening comprehension activity—all designed to help your students engage more actively with the reading. What in the World is handy in another way, too. It offers students a round-the-globe tour of many of today’s most important trends and social, environmental, and political/economic issues—with valuable insights and pertinent quotes from a variety of media sources. No matter how you plan to use it in your classroom, What in the World will come in … handy.What in the World is about the handiest textbook you’ll find anywhere. Each of its 25 lessons is short and to the point—a 300-word essay is followed by quick, accessible, effective reading comprehension and vocabulary-building exercises as well as a combined writing-listening comprehension activity—all designed to help your students engage more actively with the reading. What in the World is handy in another way, too. It offers students a round-the-globe tour of many of today’s most important trends and social, environmental, and political/economic issues—with valuable insights and pertinent quotes from a variety of media sources. No matter how you plan to use it in your classroom, What in the World will come in … handy.

Key Features and Functions
* 25, 2-page lessons develop all the basic language-learning skills
* 300-word readings focus on important topics from all over the globe, including child-raising practices in America and Africa, “curing” kids’ Internet addiction in China and Japan, “green” efforts in the U.K. and North Pole, cultural changes in the UAE and New Zealand
* Comprehension exercises encourage close, engaged reading 
* Short talks give listening as well as writing and speaking practice
Lesson 1 It Takes a Village
Lesson 2 Another Exam Hell
Lesson 3 Talk About Unfair!
Lesson 4 Thou Shalt Not Steal
Lesson 5 Zap!
Lesson 6 Mind Games
Lesson 7 The Time Has Come
Lesson 8 Bridging a Divide
Lesson 9 A Drinking Problem
Lesson 10 Transparency International
Lesson 11 Counting Sheep
Lesson 12 Trains, Planes, and Arrests
Lesson 13 Skin Deep
Lesson 14 Hope
Lesson 15 Africa’s University of the Future
Lesson 16 A Cool Idea
Lesson 17 Detox
Lesson 18 100&Change
Lesson 19 Words, Words, and More Words
Lesson 20 Out of a Job
Lesson 21 The Way to Go
Lesson 22 The Best Fathers in the World?
Lesson 23 A New Breed of Jockey
Lesson 24 Prison Break 52
Lesson 25 Japan Inside Out

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