Reading for a Bright Future

Author Abhay Joshi
Category English
Level Beginner
TOEIC Level 400~500
ISBN 9784523179450
Book Size・Number of Pages A4変・128 pages
Price 2,640 yen (incl. tax)
Number of Units 17
Teacher’s Materials ●Teacher's Manual (including Japanese translation) ●Teacher's Audio CD 〈Others〉 Teacher's Manual Data (PDF/Word),Text Data (Word)

Reading for Bright Future is a textbook combining in-built critical thinking skills. This book contains 17 carefully selected topics we may need to deal with in or during our professional life cycle. Each unit starts with pre-reading questions, your thoughts about the issues, related vocabulary, listening, and writing activities. For every alternative lesson, we have added crosswords for fun. Audio is included so students can listen to every reading passage for listening exercises. A Teacher's Manual, including an Answer Key and the Japanese transcript.

Unit 1 A Dream for all Nations
Unit 2 Brain Drain
Unit 3 Cosmetic Tourism
Unit 4 Changing Breakfasts
Unit 5 Modern Love
Unit 6 Special Need
Unit 7 Culinary Diplomacy
Unit 8 2nd- and 3rd-Generation Immigrants
Unit 9 Happily Single
Unit 10 The Magic of the Smartphone
Unit 11 Mindfulness
Unit 12 Marriage
Unit 13 The Power of Learning a Foreign Language
Unit 14 Sleep
Unit 15 The Space Business
Unit 16 Passport Strength
Unit 17 Fake News

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