Student Teacher

―Introductory English for Education Majors

Author Susan Williams
Vivian Morooka
Category Communication
Speaking & Presentation
Level Beginner
TOEIC Level 300~400
Release Date 2015/04/01
ISBN 9784523177678
Book Size・Number of Pages A4変・120 pages
Price 2,310 yen (incl. tax)
Number of Units 12+Pre-Unit+3 Review Unit
Materials Downloadable Audio Files/CD
Teacher’s Materials ●Teacher's Manual(including Japanese translation) 〈Others〉 Teacher's Manual Data(Word /PDF) Text Data(Word)

Student Teacher is unique in that it specifically answers the essential English communication needs of education majors. Each of its 12 core units is composed of nine hands-on activities that keep students focused and engaged and move them steadily towards everyday fluency and familiarity with educational themes and issues. The centerpiece of the unit is a simple but natural-English dialogue involving a cast of recurring characters who discuss topics related to daily life and of special relevance to future classroom professionals. All the basic language skills are covered, but Student Teacher also encourages cooperative creativity by asking students to make up and practice dialogues of their own based on each unit’s topics and themes.

The Alphabet—Cursive Writing
Pre-Unit A Getting to Know Your Teacher
Pre-Unit B Getting to Know Your Partner
Pre-Unit C Getting to Know Your Group
Pre-Unit D Classroom English
Pre-Unit E Getting to Know One Another
Meet the People in This Book
Unit 1 Meeting and Greeting
Unit 2 Family and Friends
Unit 3 Likes and Dislikes
Unit 4 Good Habits and Bad Habits
Review Units 1-4
Unit 5 Summer and Fun
Unit 6 Here and There
Unit 7 Giving and Receiving
Unit 8 Parties and Fashion
Review Units 5-8
Unit 9 Physical Education and Health
Unit 10 Nursery School and Day Care
Unit 11 Educating and Caring
Unit 12 Bullying and Other Problems
Review Units 9-12

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