Life Topics

―A Critical Thinking Approach to English Proficiency

Author Jonathan Berman
Takashi Shimaoka
Category Course Books
Level Beginner
TOEIC Level 300~400
Release Date 2012/04/01
ISBN 9784523176893
Book Size・Number of Pages A4変・96 pages
Price 2,310 yen (incl. tax)
Number of Units 22
Materials Downloadable Audio Files/CD
Teacher’s Materials ●Teacher's Manual(including Japanese translation) 〈Others〉 Teacher's Manual Data(PDF/Word),Text Data (Word),Text Data Reading Script(Word)

As its subtitle makes clear, Life Topics stresses the most exciting part of language learning-critical thinking. The essays and exercises that make up each of the book’s 22 lessons adopt the bottom-up approach to learning, inspiring students to link what they have read to past experience and to contemplate and then discuss interesting, important, often complex ideas and issues. The language is highly accessible, simplified but all natural, and the innovative exercises build up students’ skills and confidence slowly but surely without pressure or frustration. With Life Topics, teachers become facilitators, fostering understanding and helping prepare students for real life―the goal of all true education.

1. The Beauty of the Seasons
2. The History of the Hamburger
3. The Importance of English
4. How the Internet Evolved
5. Liquid Candy
6. Travel in Japan
7. The Secret of Happiness
8. Shopping on the Internet
9. Do Aliens and UFOs Exist?
10. The Happiest Country in the World
11. Secondhand Smoke
12. Plastic Surgery
13. What Colors Tell About You
14. Free Music
15. Ghosts
16. Fast Food and Health
17. Artificial Insemination
18. The Dangers of Credit Cards
19. Young Men: No Girls, No Money
20. Old Media and New Media
21. Women in College
22. Gene Therapy

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