Life Topics: Reflections

A Critical-Thinking Approach to English Proficiency

Author Takashi Shimaoka
Jonathan Berman
Category Course Books
Level Intermediate
TOEIC Level 300~400
Release Date 2019/04/01
ISBN 9784523178804
Book Size・Number of Pages A4変・96 pages
Price 2,530 yen (incl. tax)
Number of Units 21
Materials Downloadable Audio Files/CD
Teacher’s Materials ●Teacher's Manual(including Japanese translation) ●Teacher's Audio CD 〈Others〉 Teacher's Manual Data(PDF/Word),Text Data (Word)

Careful reading and thoughtful reflection—that in a nutshell is what this meticulously prepared sequel to the author’s bestselling Life Topics is all about. The readings delve into many of today’s most compelling social and personal-development topics—the benefits of altruism, adopting a minimalist lifestyle, having a sense of purpose in life—as well as explore such popular fads and trends as superheroes, scary films, and pet cafes. Each post-reading activity takes students back to the reading to help them uncover and ponder its most important ideas and insights. More perceptive reading, more critical reflection. If that’s what you want for your students—and, of course, you do—then this is the text for you.


Key Features and Functions

*21 500-600 word readings on essential current-English topics covering psychology, sociology, relationships, entertainment, customs and traditions, and many more
*A variety of pre-reading vocabulary activities familiarize students with the lesson’s key words, phrases, and concepts
*Innovative comprehension exercises foster deeper understanding and enhanced retention of each lesson’s essential information and important ideas
*Imaginative-writing activities simultaneously stimulate creativity, offer expert step-by-step composition guidance, and encourage enthusiastic discussion and debate
*TM provides detailed how-to-use instructions and suggestions for thought-provoking supplemental activities and exercises

1. Cat Café
2. Sad Songs
3. The History of Consumerism
4. A Sense of Purpose
5. Santa Claus
6. The Same-Sex Wedding
7. World Festivals
8. What Makes You Happier: Experiences or Luxury Goods?
9. Teenagers and Stress
10. Superheroes
11. Gratitude
12. Processed Foods and Addiction
13. Minimalism
14. Flow
15. The Benefits of Being Scared
16. Social Media and the Fear of Missing Out
17. Gender-Neutral Parenting
18. The Science of Altruism
19. Counterfactual Thinking
20. Mindful Eating
21. The Id, Ego, and Superego
Listing of Vocabulary

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