Encounters Abroad (English Edition)

Author Michael P. Critchley
Category Communication
Level Beginner
TOEIC Level 400~500
Release Date 2007/04/01
ISBN 9784523175674
Book Size・Number of Pages A4変・96 pages
Price 2,640 yen (incl. tax)
Number of Units 10
Materials Downloadable Audio Files/CD
Teacher’s Materials ●Teacher's Manual(without Japanese translation) ●Teacher's Audio CD 〈Others〉 Teacher's Manual Data(PDF),MP3Audio Data 

Encounters Abroad bridges the gap between texts that focus either on situations abroad or on causal conversation. Created on the premise that students need both, this text recognizes that in real-life interactions-taking a taxi, asking for directions, ordering a meal- students are also talking about themselves, this plans, their interests. Like the previous two books in the Encounters series, Encounters Abroad comes in both English and Japanese editions. No matter which one you choose to help you prepare your students for speaking success abroad, you've made the right choice.

Unit 1 Where Are you Heading?
Unit 2 May I see Your Passport?
Unit 3 Where To?
Unit 4 I Asked for a Double
Unit 5 What Would You Suggest?
Unit 6 Here Are your Keys
Unit 7 Turn Left at the Light
Unit 8 How Much Is This?
Unit 9 Are You Free Tomorrow?
Unit 10 I'll Have the Steak
Unit Review 1: Units 1-5
Unit Review 2: Units 6-10

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