The Way to Effective Speaking

Author Kate Elwood
Category Speaking & Presentation
Level Intermediate
Release Date 2006/04/01
ISBN 9784523175186
Book Size・Number of Pages B5・64 pages
Price 1,870 yen (incl. tax)
Number of Units 12
Teacher’s Materials Teacher's Manual

Not only does it take excellent language skills to be an effective public speaker; it takes confidence, poise, sensitivity to the needs of others-and plenty of old-fashioned common sense. The Way to Effective Speaking aims to give students all these and more. This is one textbook where every need-of student and teacher alike-has been anticipated and transformed into a stimulating, thought-provoking character-building speaking activity. The skills and confidence students, gain from The Way to Effective Speaking will carry over into every aspect of their lives.

Key Features and Functions; 12 units, each covering a basic principle and essential skill of effective speaking, including: making eye contact/ Proper use of gestures, voice and visual aids/ Organizing information and adding supporting evidence/ Generating enthusiasm and building interest/ Speaking Impromptu. Brief; easy-to-follow explanations of key principles and skills. Each unit features four activities, progressively challenging in the unit and through the book that put the unit’s principles into practice and bring its topics to life. Units build on themselves, reinforcing learning points and recycling material in new ways for new purposes. Informative, multi-topic model/ practice speeches for speaking situations of all kinds show students the most effective way to give instructions, voice opinions, tell a good story, use examples, etc.

Unit 1 Enhancing Eye Contact
Unit 2 Adding Gestures
Unit 3 Using Your Voice Effectively
Unit 4 Organizing Information
Unit 5 Supporting Ideas
Unit 6 Generating Enthusiasm
Unit 7 Telling Stories
Unit 8 Ending With a Bang
Unit 9 Building Interest
Unit 10 Using Visual Aids
Unit 11 Speaking Impromptu
Unit 12 Bringing It All Together

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